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Indigenous Community Justice 
Open Position Please visit our Careers Page for details

The ICJP is a culturally based pre and post charge diversion program for Indigenous adults and youth. ICJP utilizes a community driven wellness model, aimed at restoring balance to the participant's life. 

If you identify as Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Metis or Inuit), have been charged with a minor offence and accept responsibility for your actions, then ICJP can help. 

Referrals to the ICJP are made by Indigenous Courtworkers and the ICJP Coordinator. Applications for diversion must be approved by the Crown Attorney's Office or Police Services.

After completing a diversion application and obtaining approval, the participant is diverted into the program. Participants work with the ICJP's Community Council and are guided in developing a Healing Plan that addresses the offence and its underlying issues. The Healing Plan details tasks the participant will complete that demonstrates their willingness to repair the harm caused. The healing Plan may include attending ceremonies, counseling, community service hours, letters of apology and restitution to the victim.

The completed Healing Plan will be presented to the Crown or Police Service and the charges may be stayed or withdrawn. 


Contact information for ICJP Worker: (807) 468-5440 ext, 245 

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