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Praying Hands

Restorative Justice Liaison Program

The Restorative Justice Liaison Program was developed in partnership with the Ontario Provincial Police-Kenora Detachment and the Ministry of Attorney General-Indigenous Justice Division.

The RJ Liaison is a member of the Kenora Restorative Justice Committee. The RJ Committee was established in 2019 and is a network of local service providers that offer pre-charge diversion programs for Kenora and Treaty #3 Communities. The committee works in partnership with the OPP-Kenora Detachment and Treaty #3 Police Service to address issues of overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system and to reduce the number of people attending court for minor offences. 

The Restorative Justice Liaison is the first point of contact for those referred to the Restorative Justice Committee. The RJ Liaison completes the initial intake, explains the RJ program options, and helps the client select a program that best suits their needs and situations. The RJ Liaison triages the referrals, provides updates to the referring Police Agency, and supports the RJ Committee members in connecting with clients referred to the program. 

If you've been referred to the Restorative Justice Committee, contact the Restorative Justice Liaison to get started!

Restorative Justice Liaison Worker Contact Information: or  (807) 464-0069

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