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Bonfire in Sand

Bail Verification and Supervision Program 

The BVSP Case Manager and Coordinator/Team Lead have become more involved within the Bail Program Residency providing enhanced support services to clients. In addition to Case Management/Reintegration planning each week within the residence we also offer in-community Case Management/Supervision to those living within the Kenora area as well, where one would attend the Ne-Chee Friendship Centre once weekly for Case Management support.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Bail Coordinator continues to attend court regularly via zoom, maintaining contact with legal representatives and staying up to date on court proceedings. The BVSP Coordinator/Team Lead remains part of the Discharge Planning Committee; partnering with various agencies to ensure travel arrangements are made, shelter/accommodations are secured, connection with culture and family, mental health and addictions, and much more in continuing community support to our clients.

Now that the pandemic has subsided and restrictions are lifted, the Bail Program residents are able to resume taking part in all aspects of programs offered, both on and off site. Residents are again able to attend Sweats, Pow Wow's; host Spring and Fall Feasts, have weekly sharing circles and access more community programs and services. 


Bail Verification and Supervision Workers Contact Information:

Bail Residency Phone # (807) 468-4619

Bail Verification & Supervision Coordinator/Team Lead (807)464-5849

BVSP Supervision Case Manager  (807) 464-1854

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